Focus on the LOVE

Tatiana: Never try to win over the naysayers and the haters, put all of your energy into impressing the people who were supporters of you from the beginning.
Ru Paul: That is very wise. Because you know what? I ain't got time for the people who hate me, I'm too busy loving the people who love me.
Tatiana: Exactly. 

My husband and I love to watch Ru Paul's Drag Race because it is fantastic television with occasional life guidance.

In the second episode of All Stars, Season 2 (airing now), Ru Paul was interviewing the Drag Queens as they prepared their impersonations for the upcoming snatch game challenge. Tatiana and Ru had this meaningful exchange about paying attention to critics.

This rocked my world and I've been living by these words ever since.

Haters? Naysayers? I'm too busy loving the people who love me.

In this vein, I've got some catching up to do with my readers, since I haven't posted an entry in my blog since April.

I'm back in Vancouver, settling in nicely - and ready to resume sharing my discoveries and focus in improv and living in the moment yet again. I'm working on two new shows that premiere this month with LOVEly teams that will include more and more folks as we go. (posters below)
Thanks for joining me.

Now, stop trying to win over naysayers and focus on the LOVE.
Upcoming Dirty Little Secrets Improv Show in VANCOUVER!

LIGHTS! Debuts Oct 11th.
Nicole Visits NYC!
Sarah visits NYC

Jamie visits NYC
Shef visits Vancouver

Colin Visits Vancouver

5 Tips for Improvising as a Roving Character

When you are improvising as a roving character at an event, here are 5 tips that I've picked up to help make your time successful.

I've been doing roving characters at events for nine years - I started by playing Captain Morgan in the bars of British Columbia's lower mainland. Since then, I've been all over the world playing over 50 characters that make people laugh and create fun memories at events. These pics are from my gig last month in Switzerland helping to host a week long event. 

1. Have a good costume. It's the worst when your costume is shoddy. First impression has to make the audience want to look at you. Details are key. Try to get a NAME TAG that shows you're with the group. Interactive elements, props, and little gifts to give out make your job easier.

2. Have a good vibe. If you're having a good relaxed time, that joy will spread. 

3. Have a few start up lines or puns. This initiates contact with the crowd and lets you assess if they're cool with improvising a little with you. 

4. Create in the moment. Based on the reactions you get, let the relationship with the audience member unfold and play for as long as they're enjoying it. 

5. Know when to roam. Not everyone loves a roaming character. Be ready to say a quick joke or make an impression and gracefully make a fast retreat. Sometimes being part of the background like standing at a doorway is the best way to entertain and not annoy. 

I wish you all the best improvising as a roving character!

Bloom where you're planted... and transplant often!

My dear community, friends, and family,

I'm excited to announce that Jonathan and I will be returning to Vancouver this July, 2016!

New York City has been amazing. We've grown and learned so much.
The city both humbled me and lifted me up. 

I'm gonna miss the big apple and I'll be back lots.

We're heading back west a year early because Jon got his dream position to start doctorin' at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver General Hospital. I'm looking forward to be back performing at Vancouver TheatreSports League, and with my dear troupes The Fictionals Comedy Company and Queer Prov.

I'm gonna squeeze every ounce of love I can get out of our remaining 3 months in New York. I've made and deepened amazing friendships especially with my Dirty Little Secrets Improv Show cast and fans.
Being in the same city as Stephen Sheffer was the best part of the whole year. You are an absolute inspiration Shef.

I remember a banner that hung in the gym in my elementary school read "Bloom where you are planted!"
I've embraced that motto and now I'll add to it - "and transplant often!"
Change helps me to grow.
See you soon Vancouver :)

Our March Dirty Little Secrets Show - With Jon as Doctor Spill!


My goal is to "be in the now" when I perform on stage, when I teach, and in the biggest moments of my life. These are the lessons I've learned along the way.

Help me raise $ for Easter Seals

Dirty Little Secrets Improv Show

CATCH Dirty Little Secrets Improv Show!

Catch this new UNSCRIPTED sketch show: LIGHTS!

Catch my upcoming Improv Show - Dirty Little Secrets

Thoughts on Improv & Life


Well, it's been 5 years since I've grown a MO for Movember. For my dad, for my nephews, and for myself.... I'm joining the team...